Benzema Joins Al Ittihad, Set to Clash with Ronaldo and Messi in Saudi Arabia Next Season

Karim Benzema, the French footballer who played for Real Madrid for 14 seasons, has signed a two-year contract with Al Ittihad, a Saudi Arabian football team.

The move comes as a surprise to many, as Benzema was expected to extend his contract with Real Madrid for another year.

However, the lure of playing in a new country and the opportunity to face his former teammate Cristiano Ronaldo, who now plays for Al Nassr, proved too tempting for the striker.

Benzema’s move to Al Ittihad is part of the Saudi government’s ambitious plan to attract top football stars to the country and create a quality tournament with the participation of top stars.

The government hopes that by increasing its influence in the sport, it will increase its competitiveness for the right to host the 2030 World Cup.

Benzema’s signing is a major coup for Al Ittihad, who are the reigning Saudi Pro League champions. The team is expected to hold a launch event for Benzema on June 8, where he will be introduced to fans and the media.

In an interview, Benzema expressed his excitement about playing in a new football tournament in a different country.

He also praised the quality of the Saudi Pro League and the many good players it has. He singled out Cristiano Ronaldo, who he will face next season, as an example of the league’s improving standards.

Benzema’s move to Al Ittihad is expected to earn him nearly 200 million euros per season, including commercial promotional activities. This is a significant increase from his earnings at Real Madrid, where he was one of the highest-paid players.

Benzema’s departure from Real Madrid marks the end of an era for the club. In his 14 seasons at the Bernabeu, he played 647 matches, scored 353 goals, and won 25 titles, including five Champions League titles and four La Liga crowns.

He was a mainstay of the team and formed a formidable partnership with Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale.

The Saudi government’s plan to attract top football stars to the country has already seen the likes of Lionel Messi, Alexis Sanchez, Sergio Busquets, Sergio Ramos, and N’Golo Kante linked with moves to Saudi Arabian teams. If successful, this plan could transform the Saudi Pro League into one of the most competitive and exciting football tournaments in the world.


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