Bukayo Saka and Jack Grealish: Exploring the Contrasting Lifestyles of Best Friends

Bukayo Saka and Jack Grealish are two of the most exciting young talents in English football. They both play as wingers and are key players for their respective clubs – Arsenal and Manchester City – in the race for the Premier League title. However, despite being close friends in the England national team, the daily lives of Saka and Grealish are very different. In this article, we will explore the differences in their salaries, houses, lifestyles, and relationships.


When Grealish signed for Manchester City in 2021 for a Premier League record transfer fee of £100 million, he became one of the highest-paid players in the league. His weekly salary is reported to be around £300,000, and he also earns additional income from sponsorship deals. Last month, he signed a huge deal with Puma, the biggest in English football history. Grealish is also an ambassador for brands like Gucci, Bose headphones, and Airway.

On the other hand, Saka is preparing to sign a new contract with Arsenal that could see him earn a salary similar to Grealish’s. Currently, Saka earns around £70,000 per week, which is relatively modest compared to other Premier League stars. However, he also earns a significant amount from his sponsorship deal with New Balance, which is worth £1.8 million.


In 2021, Saka moved from the budget house he lived in since childhood with his Nigerian parents – just 8km from Wembley Stadium – to a £2.3 million mansion in Hertfordshire. Not much is known about the property, other than that it has a spa and walk-in closet. Saka immediately let his parents live with him.

Meanwhile, Grealish paid £6 million to buy a stunning mansion in the North West last year. The villa spans over 20 acres (more than 80,000 m2) and has a helipad, tennis court, golf course, fishing lake, and enough space for a full-sized soccer field. The villa has 7 bedrooms, a large swimming pool, recreation room, gym, and wine cellar.


While Grealish enjoys the high life, partying in Ibiza with the likes of nightclub owner Wayne Lineker (brother of former soccer player Gary Lineker) and attending trips to Las Vegas, Saka leads a more modest lifestyle. Saka doesn’t talk about the car he owns nor flaunt his wealth. Instead, Saka regularly attends church. He attended The Edward Betham Church Primary School, a school that preached a strong Christian faith. He scored A and A* in his GCSE exam. He then attended The Kingsborough Centre, formerly known as Kingsborough Family Church, with his parents. On Instagram, he even calls himself “Son of God.” When he went to England, he read the Bible every night. Saka doesn’t drink and leads a healthy lifestyle, with the only bad habit being playing FIFA games for too long.

Grealish, on the other hand, is more outgoing and loves to party. He is also trying to learn how to mix music and wants to learn Spanish.


Grealish and Saka have very different relationships, both romantically and socially.

Grealish has been in a long-term relationship with Sasha Attwood since his days as a rising star at Aston Villa. Attwood is a 26-year-old model and influencer who is involved in major advertising campaigns and recently signed a lucrative deal with online fashion retailer Boohoo. She even hinted at her future as a model for maternity outfits.

On the other hand, Saka is in a relationship with Tolami Benson, who is one year older than him. The couple reportedly began dating in late 2020 but kept their relationship private until recently. They do not share pictures of themselves together and do not follow each other on social media. However, Benson appeared with the WAGs of the Three Lions in Qatar during the 2022 World Cup, and fans discovered their romance in February 2023 when the couple shared personal photos of themselves on a yacht in Dubai. Despite this, they have yet to confirm their relationship publicly.

Overall, while Grealish is in a more established and public relationship with a well-known influencer, Saka’s relationship is still relatively new and private.

In conclusion, Saka and Grealish may be close friends and fellow wingers in the Premier League, but their daily lives and lifestyles are quite different. While Grealish enjoys a luxurious lifestyle and parties in Ibiza with celebrities, Saka leads a more modest life, attends church, and focuses on his football career. Both players have successful careers and lucrative sponsorship deals, but their priorities and interests outside of football vary significantly.

It is essential to note that regardless of their differences, Saka and Grealish are both talented football players who have worked hard to achieve their success. They serve as role models for aspiring young footballers who dream of making it big in the sport. Ultimately, the different lifestyles of Saka and Grealish show that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to success, and individuals must follow their passions and interests to lead fulfilling lives.


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