Chelsea officially appointed coach Pochettino on April 30

Chelsea is preparing to make a final decision on officially appointing Mauricio Pochettino as head coach tomorrow (April 30, Vietnam time). At the same time, Pochettino made a detailed list of his associates who came to Chelsea with him.

After reaching an oral agreement with Mauricio Pochettino to lead Chelsea, the Chelsea leadership is urgently conducting a meeting in Los Angeles, USA on the evening of April 29 (local time in the US).

In this meeting, there was the appearance of a series of top figures in the Chelsea board such as owner Todd Boehly, sports directors duo Paul Winstanley and Laurence Stewart.

According to many sources, there is a 99.9% chance that Chelsea will officially appoint Pochettino after a special meeting on April 30, Vietnam time.

After sacking Thomas Tuchel in September to appoint Graham Potter, the American owner’s decision backfired and resulted in Potter flying out of his seat just seven months after taking charge of Chelsea.

Following Potter, Chelsea in turn appointed Bruno Saltor and then Frank Lampard to sit in the hot seat here. But Chelsea has so far not escaped the crisis when it dropped to 11th place in the rankings with 39 points in the context that there are only 6 matches left before the end of the 2022/23 Premier League season.

The situation is even more tragic when Chelsea, under the guidance of Lampard, have lost all 5 matches since the former English player returned to take over the London team.

Concerned about the risk of Chelsea losing all of the remaining 6 matches in the Premier League, the American owner, Todd Boehly and his team have no choice but to push harder to appoint a new teacher. Argentina, Pochettino.

Chelsea appreciates the work that Pochettino did at his former club Tottenham, as he spent more than five years at Spurs and built an impressive team with the most outstanding achievement of reaching the Champions League final. League 2018/19.

Pochettino also scored points in the eyes of Chelsea owners because it was very cool when helping young players develop to become big names in football, the best example of which is the English striker, Harry Kane.

For his part, teacher Pochettino has also shown a thorough preparation for the new job at Chelsea. According to the Daily Mail, Pochettino has made a detailed list of his collaborators to come to Chelsea with him. In particular, Pochettino will bring the former head of Tottenham’s scouting department, Steve Hitchen, to Chelsea once he is in the hot seat.

If the decision is made tomorrow April 30, let’s wait and see if Pochettino will immediately replace Lampard to debut as the new Chelsea coach for the big battle with Arsenal on May 3.


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