Haaland refuses to sign a new contract with Man City

Erling Haaland, one of the most coveted young talents in European football, has reportedly rejected a contract extension offer from Manchester City. Despite his current contract running until 2026, Man City had hoped to tie down the 22-year-old striker for even longer, until 2028, and remove the release clause that would allow him to leave next summer.

However, according to transfer expert Eduardo Inda on El Chiringuito, Haaland rejected the offer on the advice of his agent Rafaela Pimenta.

Haaland arrived at the Etihad last summer with a five-year deal, but his explosive performances have made him one of the most sought-after players in world football.

His goal-scoring ability has been phenomenal, with 50 goals in all competitions for Man City, including 34 in the English Premier League, matching the record set by Andy Cole and Alan Shearer in a 42-match season.

Man City has reportedly offered Haaland more money in both salary and bonuses for goals scored, but the Norwegian striker has refused. Haaland is said to have signed with Man City until 2027 with a release clause of €200 million, which would allow him to leave next summer if a rival club meets the release fee. The Premier League champions were hoping to remove the clause and keep Haaland at the club for the long term.

Haaland’s decision not to extend his contract with Man City will be a blow to the club’s plans, as they have been hoping to build their team around the young striker.

Haaland has been linked with several top clubs, including Barcelona, Real Madrid, and Manchester United, who are all looking for a top-class striker to lead their attack.

The rejection of the offer by Haaland could signal that he is keeping his options open for a potential move next summer. His agent, Rafaela Pimenta, has been instrumental in guiding Haaland’s career so far and is known for her ability to negotiate deals with top clubs. She is said to be keeping a close eye on developments and is ready to consider all options for Haaland’s future.

Haaland’s refusal to sign an extension will undoubtedly be a concern for Man City, who will now have to consider their options. They may decide to make another attempt to tie down the striker to a longer deal or look to sell him for a higher fee next summer. Either way, the future of one of the brightest young talents in football remains uncertain.


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