Man City vs Bayern Munich: Pep praises Tuchel, fears scoring 6 goals but still getting eliminated

Before the great battle with the old team Bayern Munich in the quarter-final first leg of the Champions League, coach Pep Guardiola (Man City) had remarkable shares.
Man City will host Bayern Munich at Etihad’s home stadium at 15:00 (EDT, April 11, Tuesday) in the first leg of the quarter-finals of the Champions League this season. The day before that very promising competition, coach Pep Guardiola of the reigning Premier League champions attended the pre-match press conference.
Here, when talking about the desire to win the Champions League with Man City, the Spaniard said: “A lot. We want to try our hand at a club like Bayern Munich. You have to deserve to be in that game. We will try to take advantage in the first leg tomorrow.”

“The question of whether Man City can win the Champions League came six to seven years ago and it comes every season. We’re still working hard, but the opponents you face have also played really well. Man City always try their best but that doesn’t mean we will win.”

Talking about the reunion with Thomas Tuchel, who has just arrived at Bayern Munich to replace Julian Nagelsmann, Pep shared: “I was surprised when I heard about Nagelsmann. I cannot give an actual opinion. When a coach is fired and the successor is doing well, everyone says it was the right decision. Both are creative coaches and clearly define the style of play for their teams. It’s as difficult to play against Nagelsmann as it is to face Tuchel.”

Talking about Man City’s recruitment of Erling Haaland for the purpose of realizing the dream of winning the Champions League, Pep shared: “Erling is very important to us. He’s here to help us win the Champions League, as well as win the FA Cup and the Premier League. The important thing is that you get a player who can always score from the slightest chance.”

Pep also recalled the pain when his Man City were eliminated by AS Monaco and Tottenham in the knockout rounds of the Champions League in 2017 and 2019: “Against Monaco, we scored 6 goals in 2 matches but still lost. type. Meeting Tottenham, Man City also scored 4 goals but also had to stop. Against Real Madrid in the semi-final last year, we scored five goals but we were still out. We always score a lot of goals but maybe we weren’t sure enough.”

Speaking of upcoming rivals Bayern Munich, Pep shared: “They have very creative and excellent attacking players. We had to score against Bayern. It was a good test for us. Like I said, at the start of a game we have to show our strength.”

Video of Man City’s goals in beating Southampton 4-1 in the 30th round of the English Premier League


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