Messi’s 2023 Net Worth Leaves Cr7 in Awe and Fans in Frenzy – A Look at the Soccer Star’s Wealth

Lionel Messi, the Argentine football superstar, has always been a name to reckon with in the world of soccer. Apart from his exceptional skills on the field, Messi’s wealth has always been a topic of discussion amongst his fans and admirers. In 2023, Messi’s net worth has left everyone in awe, including his longtime rival, Cristiano Ronaldo. In this article, we take a closer look at Messi’s vast wealth and the luxurious lifestyle that comes along with it.

Messi’s net worth is estimated to be around $400 million, making him one of the wealthiest football players in the world. The majority of his earnings come from his lucrative contracts with FC Barcelona and various endorsement deals with global brands such as Adidas, Pepsi, and Huawei. Messi’s brand value is estimated to be around $170 million, making him the second-highest-paid athlete in the world after Conor McGregor.

1. Hotel empire

One of the significant aspects of Messi’s wealth is his hotel empire. Messi owns several hotels across the globe, including the MiM Hotel in Sitges, Spain, and the Hotel Es Vive in Ibiza. The hotels offer luxury accommodations and state-of-the-art amenities, making them a popular choice for travelers worldwide.

2. Private jet Number 10

Another significant asset in Messi’s wealth portfolio is his private jet, which he named ‘Number 10.’ The aircraft is a Gulfstream V model, which can accommodate up to 16 passengers. The interiors of the jet are designed to provide ultimate comfort and luxury, with leather seats, a fully equipped kitchen, and even a private bedroom.

3. Luxurious yacht Seven C

Messi’s luxurious yacht ‘Seven C’ is another highlight of his extravagant lifestyle. The yacht, which is 92 feet long, boasts five cabins, a spacious living room, and a sun deck, making it an ideal choice for a luxurious getaway. The yacht is estimated to cost around $15 million and is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and luxurious amenities.

4. Mansions over the global

Apart from his hotel empire, private jet, and yacht, Messi also owns several mansions across the globe. One of his properties in Barcelona is a luxurious villa, which he purchased for around $7 million. The property boasts seven bedrooms, a gym, a spa, a movie theater, and an indoor football pitch, making it a dream home for any football enthusiast.

5. Messi’s million-dollar garage

Finally, Messi’s million-dollar garage is a testament to his love for fast cars. The garage houses several luxurious cars, including a Ferrari F430 Spider, a Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale, and an Audi R8 GT. Messi’s car collection is estimated to be worth around $5 million, making it one of the most expensive collections in the world.

In conclusion, Messi’s net worth and luxurious lifestyle are a result of his exceptional talent on the field and his lucrative endorsement deals. Messi’s hotel empire, private jet, yacht, mansions, and car collection are a testament to his success and his love for the finer things in life. Messi’s net worth is expected to continue to rise in the coming years, making him one of the wealthiest athletes in the world for years to come.


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