The Geminid meteor shower has captivated sky gazers with its mesmerizing display, but amidst the celestial spectacle, there is an underlying concern about a potentially hazardous asteroid hurtling towards Earth. NASA has recently identified a 64-foot wide asteroid named 2022 XO, which is expected to make its closest approach on December 15.
While the risk of a catastrophic impact is low, NASA remains vigilant in monitoring this celestial intruder. In this article, we will explore the details surrounding this asteroid and how NASA’s advanced technologies and space probes play a crucial role in safeguarding our planet.
The Menace Approaching:
2022 XO first came into the spotlight on December 1, following its discovery recorded in the Small-Body database. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) reveals that this asteroid will come within a distance of 3.2 million kilometers from Earth.
Although this might seem considerable, the Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) provides a startling perspective by disclosing that the asteroid is hurtling through space at an astounding speed of 30,888 kilometers per hour.

NASA’s Reassurance:
Despite the apprehension, NASA predicts that the asteroid will safely pass by our planet. However, to ensure preparedness, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) telescope is currently monitoring its trajectory. This innovative space telescope, specifically designed for monitoring nearby space rocks within the inner circle of the solar system, acts as a vital tool in assessing potential threats and ensuring timely alerts.
A Marvel of NASA Technology:
Beyond its asteroid monitoring capabilities, NASA boasts an array of impressive technological achievements. One such marvel is the New Horizons interplanetary space probe, launched in 2006 as part of NASA’s New Frontiers program.

Originally intended to study the Pluto system during its 2015 flyby, New Horizons embarked on a secondary mission to explore and analyze one or more objects in the Kuiper Belt. Its landmark mission brought us valuable insights into the enigmatic 486958 Arrokoth, a distant object residing in the outskirts of our solar system.
Notably, New Horizons is the fifth space probe to attain the escape velocity necessary to venture beyond the confines of our Solar System.
While the Geminid meteor shower continues to dazzle observers, the presence of the 2022 XO asteroid poses a potential threat to Earth. However, NASA’s meticulous tracking and monitoring systems, such as the NEOWISE telescope, provide reassurance that the risk of an impact is minimal.
The ongoing vigilance demonstrated by NASA and its cutting-edge technologies, like the New Horizons space probe, demonstrate the organization’s commitment to safeguarding our planet from potential cosmic hazards.

Through the continuous exploration and monitoring of near-Earth objects, NASA serves as a beacon of scientific progress and protection, ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity in the face of celestial uncertainty.