Neymar’s Impressive Car Collection: A Glimpse into the PSG Star’s Luxurious Lifestyle

Neymar, a Brazilian football superstar, is known for his impressive dribbling skills and ability to play smart and effective football. With an estimated net worth of over 220 million USD, he is ranked seventh among the richest football players in the world.

Neymar currently lives in a luxurious 5-storey mansion located just 10 km from the center of Paris. The mansion covers an area of 10,000 square meters and features a large indoor swimming pool, sauna, Turkish bath, and a spacious room for leisure activities. The property is surrounded by a garden that spans 5,000 square meters.

Apart from his luxurious mansion, Neymar also owns an impressive collection of supercars, including a Lamborghini Veneno worth 4.5 million USD, an Aston Martin Vulcan worth 2.3 million USD, and a Maserati MC12 worth over half a million USD. He also has a series of luxury cars such as Mercedes AMG GT S, Audi RS7, and Ferrari 458.

In 2015, Neymar purchased a Ferrari 458 Spider in the traditional Rosso Corsa red color, featuring tan leather interiors. While driving to the training ground, the supercar had an accident and was dented on one side, but fortunately, Neymar was unharmed.

In 2016, Neymar and his Barcelona team were gifted cars from sponsor Audi, and he chose the most expensive and powerful model, the RS7 Sportback Performance 4.0 TFSI Tiptronic Quattro, which has a market price of around 164,000 USD.

Among his collection of supercars, the most surprising one is a Volkswagen Touareg that costs approximately 50,000 USD.

Neymar also owns a Cessna 680 private jet worth over 7.7 million USD, capable of travelling approximately 5,130 km without refuelling, with a top speed of 890 km/h. He also has a Mercedes-Benz Airbus H145 helicopter worth 15 million USD.

Additionally, Neymar owns a luxury yacht named Nadine, but it was confiscated by Brazilian authorities due to alleged tax evasion between 2011 and 2013.

To date, the accusations have been denied, and Neymar has not been seen with the yacht again.

Neymar’s impressive collection of cars, private jets, helicopters, and a yacht is a testament to his success both on and off the football field.

His love for luxury and a high-end lifestyle is evident, and he continues to be a role model and inspiration for aspiring football players around the world.


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