Pep Guardiola, Haaland and teammates celebrate after the historic victory over Real Madrid

Manchester City produced a stunning performance to dethrone defending champions Real Madrid and reach the Champions League final.

The English side won 4-0 at the Etihad Stadium, with Bernardo Silva scoring twice in the first half, Eder Militao hitting an own goal, and Julian Alvarez scoring late in the game.

The win was as comprehensive as the scoreline suggests, with Real Madrid struggling to keep up with the speed and movement of Pep Guardiola’s team.

City’s victory was sweet revenge after a defeat at the same stage last season, and they will now face Inter Milan in next month’s final in Istanbul. The win also puts City in contention for a superb treble, with the Premier League title already secured and the Carabao Cup final against Tottenham Hotspur to come.

The match started with both teams looking to take control, but it was City who struck first. Silva opened the scoring in the ninth minute, finishing off a slick move involving Riyad Mahrez and Phil Foden. Real Madrid tried to respond, with Toni Kroos having a shot on goal, but City’s defence held firm.

City doubled their lead in the 28th minute, with Silva again on target. This time, he finished off a cross from Gabriel Jesus to put City firmly in control. Real Madrid tried to mount a comeback, but City’s defence held strong, and they went into half-time with a 2-0 lead.

The second half started with Real Madrid looking to get back into the game, but City continued to dominate. Militao’s own goal in the 61st minute effectively ended the tie, and Alvarez’s late strike added further gloss to the scoreline.

City’s win was a testament to the quality of their team, with Guardiola’s tactics and the performances of individual players such as Silva, Foden, and Kevin De Bruyne all contributing to the victory.

Real Madrid, on the other hand, will be disappointed with their performance, with their defence struggling to cope with City’s attacking threat.

The win puts City in their first Champions League final since 2019, when they lost to Liverpool. They will be hoping to go one better this time around and lift the trophy for the first time in their history.

The final against Inter Milan promises to be a fascinating encounter, with both teams possessing plenty of attacking talent.

In conclusion, Manchester City produced a stunning performance to beat Real Madrid and reach the Champions League final. The win was comprehensive, with


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