Pep Guardiola: We don’t come to Madrid for revenge

Manchester City will face Real Madrid in the UEFA Champions League semi-final first leg on Tuesday at the Bernabeu. This is a repeat of last season’s semi-final, in which Real Madrid came out on top with a 6-5 aggregate win after extra time.

Despite this, Manchester City manager, Pep Guardiola, insists that revenge is not on his mind. Instead, he wants his team to learn from last year’s experience and focus on implementing the lessons they have learned.

Guardiola stressed that Manchester City is not here for revenge. He believes that what has happened in the past cannot be changed, and the focus should be on learning from last season’s loss.

He stated that getting a good result and performing well is the key to giving them a chance to reach the final when they play in Manchester. Guardiola also emphasized that this year’s match is completely different from last season’s.

The Manchester City boss spoke about how playing against Real Madrid last year helped his team learn and improve. He said that they played against a team that knew what to do, but the more they played with them, the more they learned. Guardiola stated that a year later, they are back again, and after what happened last season, it’s a good point for them.

Manchester City has been in excellent form this season, having already secured the Carabao Cup and currently sitting on top of the Premier League table. They have also shown their prowess in the Champions League, having beaten Borussia Monchengladbach, Borussia Dortmund, and Paris Saint-Germain to reach the semi-finals.

Real Madrid, on the other hand, has had a mixed season, having been knocked out of the Copa del Rey and currently sitting in second place in La Liga, two points behind leaders Atletico Madrid. However, they have a rich history in the Champions League, having won the trophy 13 times, more than any other team.

The match is expected to be a closely contested affair, with both teams having talented players who can make the difference. Manchester City will rely on the likes of Kevin De Bruyne, Riyad Mahrez, and Phil Foden, while Real Madrid will look to Karim Benzema, Luka Modric, and Sergio Ramos for inspiration.

The absence of Manchester City’s top scorer, Sergio Aguero, due to injury, will be a significant blow to the team. However, Guardiola has a wealth of options to choose from, and he will need to get his team selection right to ensure they get a positive result in Madrid.

In conclusion, Manchester City’s match against Real Madrid promises to be a thrilling encounter between two of Europe’s top teams. Pep Guardiola’s focus on learning from last season’s experience rather than seeking revenge will be crucial to his team’s success.

Manchester City’s excellent form this season and the lessons learned from last year’s loss will give them the confidence they need to overcome Real Madrid. However, they will need to be at their best to secure a positive result at the Bernabeu and give themselves a chance to reach the Champions League final.


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