Premier League’s Most Dreaded Awards: 6 Prizes No Player Wants to Win

In addition to the main awards acquired by Erling Haaland, this season’s Premier League also has “no one wants to receive” awards, among which are the 6 titles below.

Most shots but no goals: Cheick Doucoure (Palace)
Doucoure has only scored 6 goals in his professional playing career. But if you look at Doucoure’s finishes this season, the number of 6 goals is probably still… a bit too much.

The 23-year-old midfielder has launched 36 shots during the 2022/23 season, but only 7 on target, but failed to score.

Most fouls but not shown yellow card: Emiliano Buendia (Aston Villa)
The master of the dark arts called Buendia’s name. The small Argentine midfielder is known for his smooth technical play when holding the ball. However, it turns out that he is also quite “dangerous” without the ball. Buendia has made many fouls this season without a card.

In fact, Buendia fouled 43 times without a card – 14 more than the next on the list, Brighton’s Kaoru Mitoma, with 29 fouls without a card.

Most substitutions but no starting time: Lucas Moura (Tottenham) & Saman Ghoddos (Brentford)
Although he has played 15 times for Tottenham this season, Moura has not started a single match, despite going through 3 different coaches. Similarly there is Saman Ghoddos of Brentford.

This is also the most games a player has played without being named in the starting XI for a club this season. In total, Moura only played a total of 145 minutes for Spurs, while Ghoddos only played 123 minutes.

Creates many chances but no assists: Daniel Podence (Wolves)
So sad for Podence. The Portuguese winger has created 36 chances for Wolves this season, but none of them have been converted. That’s the highest number of chances created by a player this season without an assist.

Wolves eventually finished the season in 13th place, but struggled in front of goal all season. Julen Lopetegui’s side have scored fewer goals than any other club (31), and that will be an important issue to deal with in the summer.

Only scored in the box: Aleksandar Mitrovic (Fulham)
Mitrovic’s 14 goals for Fulham this season have all come from the box. But that number would have been 18 if he hadn’t missed four of his eight penalties during the season. With those four misses, Mitrovic became the first player to miss four penalties in a Premier League season.

Erling Haaland has scored 35 goals in the box for Man City in the Premier League this season. However, the goal against Wolves on September 17 came from outside the penalty area, so the Norwegian striker could not win “this award”.

Most minutes played without correct passes: Illan Meslier (Leeds United)
Goalkeeper Meslier played the whole game in Leeds’ impressive 2-1 win over Liverpool last October without completing a single pass. This is the only time in Premier League history that a player has played the full 90 minutes without completing a single pass.

However, the young French goalkeeper managed to make nine saves at Anfield, the most he has ever made in a Premier League game. Only David Raya (11) has made more saves in a single game this season.


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