Rodri’s stunning goal and Haaland’s brilliance steal the show in Man City vs Bayern Munich

(Champions League quarter-final first leg) Man City had a sublime match against Bayern Munich in the “early final” of this year’s tournament.

As usual, Man City actively imposed the game while Bayern Munich entered cautiously. In the 14th minute, Haaland, in an effort to close, almost punished the hesitant phase of goalkeeper Sommer near the goal line. Only 8 minutes later, Haaland still had a good chance to open the scoring, but the Norwegian striker finished too lightly.

It was not until the 26th minute that Bayern Munich had the first remarkable opportunity. Sane used the speed to eliminate Akanji on the left before placing Musiala in a favorable opportunity to finish but Dias played to save Man City. Only 1 minute after escaping defeat, Man City found the opening goal from a name few expected.

Receiving a pass from outside the box, Rodri turned the ball to eliminate Musiala before “drawing a beautiful curve” into the dead corner of the goal, leaving goalkeeper Sommer helpless despite flying at all. It was also the only goal in the first 45 minutes.

At the beginning of the second half, Bayern Munich rose strongly in an effort to find an equalizer. In the 49th minute, Sane was given a delicious opportunity to equalize for “Gray Lobster” but the shot of the former Man City player could not beat goalkeeper Ederson.

Bayern Munich’s attack squandered, and the water polo team’s defense made mistakes. In the 70th minute, Upamecano let Grealish steal the ball right near the penalty area and then, Haaland sent a pass to clear the ground for Bernardo Silva to head close to the net to hit the away team. Only 6 minutes later, Haaland himself entered his name on the scoreboard with a spotless finishing phase, thereby fixing a bold victory for Man City.

This is a ratio that is beyond the predictions of experts. With this result, Pep Guardiola’s Man City almost firmly holds the ticket to continue even though the two teams still have the second leg in Germany in the middle of next week.

Final score: Man City 3-0 Bayern Munich (1st half 1-0)

Man City: Rodri 27′, Bernardo Silva 70′, Haaland 76′

Starting lineup

Man City: Ederson, Akanji, Stokes, Ruben Dias, Ake, Gundogan, Rodri, De Bruyne, Bernardo Silva, Grealish, Haaland.

Bayern Munich: Sommer, Pavard, Upamecano, De Ligt, Davies, Kimmich, Goretzka, Musiala, Coman, Gnabry, Sane.


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