The ‘goal scorers’ brought Guardiola to the top of 1,000 goals

Man City recently reached a special milestone when scoring 1,000 goals in all competitions under the leadership of Pep Guardiola. This feat was achieved not only by Pep’s military talent but also by the great contribution of the “cannons”.

Man City has reached 1000 goals in all competitions under the guidance of Pep Guardiola after a jubilant 3-0 victory over West Ham in the match of round 28 of the Premier League 2022/23.

Phil Foden, the author of the 3-0 scoreline in the great victory over West Ham, is the 1,000th goal scorer for Man City in all competitions under Pep Guardiola, since the 2016/17 season. hitherto.

This is Pep’s latest milestone, with Man City winning 4 Premier League titles, 1 FA Cup and 4 League Cups.

The Spaniard has achieved this feat faster than any other manager in the Premier League era, with 1,000 goals coming in just 404 games, averaging 2.47 goals per game.

It should be known that, in addition to Pep Guardiola, two other coaches, Arsene Wenger and Sir Alex Ferguson, have also reached 1,000 goals with the only club they have ever led in the Premier League.

However, it took Arsene Wenger 554 games with Arsenal, while Sir Alex Ferguson took 601 games with MU to reach 1,000 goals.

If counting the number of goals scored by season, the 2016/17 season Man City has the lowest number of goals: 122 goals, while the highest is the 2018/19 season with 169 goals.

In the current season 2022/23, Man City has scored 139 goals in all competitions, of which Norwegian striker Erling Haaland alone has contributed to 51 goals. Also need to know, the two arenas where Man City is “lucky” to score the most are the Premier League – 652 goals and the Champions League – 169 goals.

In fact, not only Haaland but also Man City reaching the 1,000-goal mark in all competitions under Pep’s leadership also has the work of a series of other “cannons”.

Leading the list of top scorers for Man City under Pep’s reign is Argentine striker Sergio Aguero when he scored 124 goals against the opponent.

Second place is Raheem Sterling when only 4 goals behind Aguero, followed by Gabriel Jesus with 95 goals. Meanwhile, a series of attacking midfielders and wingers are no less competitive when “shooting” under the talented Spanish general.

Specifically, Kevin De Bruyne scored 79 goals, Riyad Mahrez 78 goals, Phil Foden 59 goals, Ilkay Gundogan 54 goals, Bernardo Silva 53 goals and followed by Erling Haaland with 51 goals this season.

Despite playing in different positions and playing different styles, the common denominator is that they have all had the most prolific season of their careers under Pep Guardiola at Man City.

Broadly, the three clubs that Pep led in 14 seasons: Barca, Bayern and Man City had more than 2,000 goals. A very respectable number and explains why Pep stands in the ranks of global club level coaches.


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