With a week’s salary at Manchester United, what supercar can Jadon Sancho buy?

Player Jadon Sancho when moving to MU will enjoy a salary of £ 350,000 / week. With this money Jadon Sancho can buy a lot of super cars with just 1 week of his salary.

On the evening of July 23 (Hanoi time), the home page of Man Utd confirmed the completion of the transfer of Jadon Sancho from Borussia Dortmund. Striker born in 2000 signed a contract until June 2026 with MU, with an automatic extension of 1 year. Sancho landed at MU for 85 million euros (more than 100 million USD), and received a salary of 350,000 pounds/week ($481,424/week).

While playing at Borussia Dortmund, Jadon Sancho owned many expensive models such as Mercedes-AMG GT 63, Mercedes-AMG G63, Rolls-Royce Cullinan, Audi R8 or Range Rover Autobiography but no Italian supercar. Photo: sanchooo10.

With a salary of £ 350,000 / week at MU, it is possible that Jadon Sancho will add more supercars to the collection. With only 1 week’s salary, MU’s rookie can buy a Lamborghini Aventador LP780-4 Ultimae just launched. Photo: Lamborghini.

The final version of the Aventador line has just been unveiled at the Goodwood Festival of Speed 2021. Lamborghini Aventador LP780-4 Ultimae is limited to 600 units, including 350 coupes and 250 convertibles. The expected selling price of the coupe version is $ 450,000, the convertible version is $ 500,000.

The car is equipped with a 6.5L V12 engine block, with a capacity of 780 horsepower and 720 Nm of torque – 40 horsepower more powerful than the Aventador S and 10 horsepower more than the SVJ version. With a new structure, the Aventador LP780-4 Ultimae is about 25 kg lighter than the Aventador S, but has the same power-to-weight ratio as the Aventador SVJ. Photo: Lamborghini.

The SF90 Stradale owns a 4.0L twin-turbo V8 engine block that produces 780 horsepower and 800 Nm of torque – the highest level of power compared to any 8-cylinder engine in Ferrari history. With 3 electric motors supporting, this supercar produces a total capacity of 1,000 horsepower and 800 Nm of torque. Photo: Motor1.

SF90 Stradale can accelerate from 0-100 km / h in 2.5 seconds, before reaching a maximum speed of 340 km / h. However, in real tests, Ferrari SF90 Stradale can accelerate from 0-100 km / h in just 2 seconds. In Vietnam, the standard Ferrari SF90 Stradale has a genuine price of 37 billion VND. Photo: Motor1.

In addition to the two names from Italy mentioned above, a British supercar is also an ideal choice for Jadon Sancho, typically the McLaren 765LT. In the UK, this model starts at £280,000 ($385,139). In Vietnam, this supercar costs over 30 billion VND. Photo: Motor1.

Launched in March 2020, the 765LT is the latest model of McLaren’s Longtail family. In McLaren’s product portfolio, the 765LT is placed alongside the 720S, 720S Spider and Artura in the Supercars group. Photo: Motor1.

Powering the McLaren 765LT is a 4.0L twin-turbo V8 engine similar to the 720S but producing 755 hp and 800 Nm of torque. 765LT is more powerful than 720S by 35 hp. The ability to accelerate from 0-100 km / h of this super car in 2.8 seconds, 0-200 km / h in 7.2 seconds, a maximum speed of 330 km / h. Photo: Motor1.

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