In a shocking and heart-wrenching incident in Turkey, a golden retriever named Pamuk found herself at the center of a horrific act of cruelty. Pamuk’s front paws were brutally hacked off with an axe, leaving her in excruciating pain. The reason behind this gruesome act was an alleged attack on a neighbor’s chickens.
Rescuers, deeply moved by Pamuk’s suffering, took her in and began the arduous journey of providing her with the care and love she so desperately needed. The injured dog was left writhing in agony after her front legs were severed, and her suffering was further compounded when she developed an infection at a veterinary clinic.
According to Turkish animal rights group HAYTAP, the aggressor not only broke the animal’s paws but also took it upon themselves to amputate Pamuk’s legs, even going as far as wrapping them in tape before finally seeking veterinary assistance. Pamuk’s ordeal continued as she faced a painful and lengthy treatment process, with the possibility of prosthetic legs remaining uncertain.
Tragically, three-year-old Pamuk endured her injuries for three days before her broken legs were amputated. HAYTAP has taken responsibility for covering her treatment costs, ensuring that she receives the care she desperately needs in a private clinic. However, her journey to recovery remains a challenging and painful one.
HAYTAP’s spokesperson stated, “Pamuk, whose treatment costs are covered by HAYTAP, is currently struggling with intensive infection in a private clinic where we have taken her. Unfortunately, the poor dog, who we call Pamuk, is waiting for a very painful and very long treatment process… You can be sure that at HAYTAP we will endeavor to do our best. We cover all her expenses. We will keep you updated in the coming period.”
In addition to advocating for Pamuk’s well-being, the animal rights group is also calling for stronger animal abuse laws in Turkey, accusing politicians of turning a blind eye to acts of brutality against animals.
As the investigation unfolds, it has been revealed that Pamuk was rushed to a private veterinary clinic for emergency treatment. Meanwhile, the police have initiated an investigation into the incident, as it appears that the dog’s legs were severed with a sharp instrument, possibly an axe. Veterinarian Mustafa Kanat expressed his sorrow, stating,
“It seems the dog’s legs were amputated with a sharp instrument. The rest of the bone is not in a good state, and it may not be able to wear prosthetic legs. I think the dog may be able to move around in a wheeled walker and use its hind legs. But I am really sorry, there are no words to say.”
Disturbing footage from the clinic shows Pamuk snapping at the vet after he touched one of her amputated legs, a testament to the immense pain and fear she must be enduring.
The Turkish gendarmerie continues its investigation into this horrifying case, and as of now, no arrests have been reported. Pamuk’s story serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for stronger animal protection laws and increased awareness about the importance of compassion and kindness towards all living beings.