Golden Retriever’s Emotional Plea: Thief Stole My Best Friend, Help Me Find Him

In a heart-wrenching incident in the central Chinese province of Henan, a loyal golden retriever named Mao Mao has been roaming the streets carrying a signboard in his mouth to search for his missing best friend, Dou Dou.

Dou Dou was allegedly stolen by a suspected dog thief in late December, and since then, Mao Mao has been in low spirits and has lost more than 10 pounds in weight.

Mao Mao’s owner, Shao Xinsheng, told MailOnline that Mao Mao couldn’t stop tearing while walking around with the ‘missing dog’ note.

Mao Mao and Dou Dou had grown up playing together along with another golden retriever named Er Pao. Dou Dou was a pet belonging to one of Shao’s friends, and Mao Mao and Dou Dou were particularly close.

On December 23, Dou Dou was taken away by a stranger while being chained to a tricycle outside a hospital. The one-year-old male dog had been left there by his owner who was going to the hospital for a medical appointment.

Since then, Shao, Mao Mao, and Er Pao have been helping Dou Dou’s owner search for the missing pet across Henan Province.

They have visited a major slaughterhouse in the county of Hua and various dog meat markets, including a popular one in the county of Fengqiu. Mao Mao would carry a placard reading ‘Dou Dou, please come home’ wherever they went, walking or sitting on the street to get the locals’ attention.

This incident has garnered widespread attention on social media, with many people expressing their sympathy for Mao Mao and their anger towards the dog thief.

The emotional bond between Mao Mao and Dou Dou serves as a reminder of the strong connections that animals can form with each other and with humans. It also highlights the issue of pet theft, which is a growing problem in many parts of the world.

In recent years, there has been a surge in pet theft cases globally, with criminals often stealing pets to sell them to illegal dog meat traders or to demand ransom from the owners.

Pet theft can cause immense emotional distress to the owners and the animals, who often suffer from physical and psychological trauma. It is important for pet owners to take preventive measures to safeguard their pets, such as microchipping, keeping them indoors, and not leaving them unattended in public places.

In China, pet theft has become a major issue, with thousands of dogs being stolen each year for the dog meat trade. While the Chinese government has introduced laws to crack down on illegal dog meat markets, the practice still continues, and many stolen pets end up on the dinner table.

The plight of Mao Mao and Dou Dou has highlighted the need for stricter enforcement of animal welfare laws and for raising public awareness about the cruelty of the dog meat trade.

In conclusion, the story of Mao Mao and Dou Dou is a poignant reminder of the strong emotional bond that exists between animals and humans. The incident has sparked a global conversation about pet theft and the need to take preventive measures to safeguard pets. It is essential for governments and individuals to work together to tackle this growing problem and ensure that animals are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.


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