Moved by a viral video of an abandoned dog chasing its owner’s car, a compassionate man embarked on a mission to rescue the dog

In the Brazilian town of Itabira, a heartwrenching video depicting the abandonment of a helpless dog on the roadside went viral, touching the hearts of many. However, this story takes a heartwarming turn as one compassionate man’s empathy leads him on a mission to find and rescue the abandoned canine.

A Disturbing Encounter:

The story begins when a vigilant cyclist in Itabira came across a small, brown-and-white dog in distress by the roadside. Overwhelmed by the situation and unable to take the dog with her at that moment, she rushed home to get her car, determined to rescue the poor pup. However, upon her return, the dog had vanished, leaving her deeply worried about its fate.

A Viral Cry for Help:

Haunted by the image of the abandoned dog, the cyclist decided to share the heart-wrenching video on Facebook. Her post was accompanied by a heartfelt comment expressing her concerns for the dog’s well-being. Little did she know that her post would become the catalyst for a heartwarming rescue mission.

Community Comes Together:

The video quickly gained attention, making the abandoned puppy the center of attention in Itabira. The emotional impact of the video moved the hearts of many, prompting them to take action. A compassionate family in the area decided to step in and rescue the dog.

A New Beginning:

Under the care of this kind-hearted family, the abandoned puppy has been provided with food and essential supplies. He now awaits a name, one that will symbolize his journey from despair to hope. Local news reports suggest that names like Pietro, Einstein, and Xerebebeu are among the options, with “Pietro” emerging as the frontrunner in recent polls.

Spreading Hope and Compassion:

What began as a heartbreaking story of abandonment has found its heartwarming resolution, thanks to the compassion of a witness and the determined efforts of a kind-hearted man who refused to let the dog’s fate remain uncertain. This story serves as a reminder of the positive impact that empathy and collective action can have in the face of adversity.


The story of the abandoned dog in Itabira, Brazil, reminds us that compassion and empathy have the power to turn a distressing situation into one filled with hope and love. It underscores the importance of standing up for those in need and working together as a community to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable animals. Share this heartwarming tale with your family and friends to inspire hope and compassion in others.


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