Resilient Pup with Unique Legs in Search of Forever Home – Adopt Now!

In a heartwarming story out of Porto Velho, Brazil, two brothers who work at a tire repair business in the North Zone of the city took in a dog that was abandoned in front of their shop. The dog, who they named Seal, had two front legs that were turned back, making it difficult for him to walk properly.

According to Lindomar and Ozimar Queiroz, the owners of the tire repair business, the dog was intentionally dumped in front of their establishment. They immediately took him in, fed him, and looked after him. Despite his condition, the Queiroz brothers were determined to help the dog.

Seal was named after his posture on the board, which prevented him from moving properly. The mechanics at the shop would sometimes move him around, but he would always end up in the mud trying to catch up with a stray cat. Despite his struggles, Seal quickly became a beloved member of the tire repair business.

Lindomar Queiroz, the owner of the dog, said that Seal is in need of veterinary care, but unfortunately, he cannot afford it. The dog was underweight when he was captured, but he is already gaining weight thanks to the care and attention he is receiving from the Queiroz brothers.

Despite his filthy condition, Lindomar doesn’t care about Seal’s appearance. He is just happy to have been able to provide a safe and loving home for the dog. The story of Seal and the Queiroz brothers is a reminder of the power of compassion and the importance of caring for animals in need.


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